The Blackstage Policy

We are an organisation run by BIPOC who are Queer/Trans, sex workers, disabled and from low-income backgrounds and we aim to protect and centre these communities in all of our actions and events. Our work is open for all to enjoy and collaborate on but we do have some ground rules to ensure the safety of our team, collaborators and performers.

Blackstage has a zero-tolerance policy for racism, transphobia, whorephobia, misogyny, ableism, classism, homophobia, biphobia, fatphobia, ageism, or other discriminatory behaviour. Please ensure that gender-neutral language is used when referring to our team and performers, if you are unsure of someone's pronouns please ask, if you accidentally misgender someone please apologise and don't linger on the mistake. Lastly, never touch anyone without consent.

Our Safeguarding Policy can be found here